Los Angeles - Sales of automotive giant producers United States (USA) General Motors (GM) in October dropped 45% and far mejadikan decline in automotive sales worst in the history of the U.S. automotive industry.
"This is a blow to the automotive industry, and something that can not be contained anymore," said Executive Director of General Motors Corp.. (GMC) Global Mike DiGiovanni.
He added that the government should speed up the loan disbursement. "Step fresh withdraw funds become an important concern that needs to be done," he said.
Meanwhile, a senior economic analysts Emily Kolinski Morris said that the American people still think and be careful before buying a car because of the economic crisis was erratic.
As a result of GM sales fall, the good news is for buyers of new cars. GM will launch a massive discount on the car labeled red (Red Tag) on Tuesday (4 / 11) a month earlier than previous GM habits.
Although GM's sales had fallen sharply, from the side of GM's domestic sales are still the top with 168,719 units sold above its weight rival Toyota with 152,101 units.
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